Things for sale!
Big Appa
This one has become incredibly popular lately. Want to have it on your body? Get one here! Or get several. If you are anything like me your size has been fluctuating somewhat alarmingly during the lockdown.
And now Big Appa is available for more than just wearing - you can drink out of him, accessorize with him, decorate your home… you get the idea. All sorts of products can be purchased by clicking the link below.
Fritz Clantoon’s Super Nature Guide to the Supernatural
A professional handbook for the amateur monster spotter. Everything you need to know but were too afraid to ask about the lost art of monster-watching.
Spotting monsters in the wild is a dangerous and exhilarating past time. It combines all the fun of sitting and waiting with sudden and unexpected panic attacks. It’s not for everybody, but for the real thrill seekers who are content to tell people about something they saw rather than something they did, it’s a pastime like no other. I’d go so far as to say it’s not a sport so much as a lifestyle.
OK, all cards on the table folks, it’s neither really. It’s just an activity for people who want to be part of something without actually having to be an active participant. Now monster hunting, there’s a sport. Unfortunately, my publisher would not give me the thumbs up to write a book on that subject, something about liabilities and whatnot, so let’s, for the sake of argument, just say this is a book about looking for monsters. Merely observing them in their natural habitats. This is not a book about collecting them for trophies, no matter how great they look stuffed and mounted in your living room.
T-shirts & Swag
Appa’s not the only one to get some merch made out of him though. Check out some of these designs as well. All sorts of crap you never knew you needed but now suddenly feel your life would be incomplete without. Isn’t Capitalism great?